Help!! My Hair has Changed. What Do I Do Now?

from $0.00
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Guest Speaker: Missy Peterson

When: Morning or Day Session

Session Description:
Cancer changes so many things including your hair and nails. It is tough enough to be dealing with this disease and now you have to deal with your hair changing too. In this session we will discover what is actually going on and how to move forward. We will address hair loss, a change in texture, scalp care and how to work with your new hair. We will also talk about mentally dealing with everything that is happening with your hair, nails as well as your mind, body and spirit.

See Below for Checkout Instructions & More Details

Session Time:
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Please Note Checkout Instructions:

The breakout sessions are broken up into two times, Morning Sessions and Day Sessions. You will select 1 Morning Session followed by 1 Day Session and add them to the shopping cart then check out. You will notice the Morning Session will show a cost of $65 while the Day Session as $0. As you are aware the total cost of The Red Event is $65, for this Checkout system to work in this manner we needed to set it up this way. We hope this eliminates any confusion. If you have questions please reach out to us at