Champions Are Made In The Off-Season: Podcast

Seth and I at the meet right before his first lift

I have had the honor of watching my son blossom into an amazing young man.  His strength, perseverance and dedication inspire me on a daily basis. 

He has used the circumstances of losing his dad, to motivate to be a better version of himself, day in and day out. 

My late husband was a body builder in college.  He absolutely loved it.  And I can say that I loved the physique that his time as a body builder gave him.

My son has taken up powerlifting.  I believe it was a way for him to de-stress.  I feel that it gave him the sense of control, especially in times when he didn’t feel as if he had control.  He has truly embraced the sport of powerlifting and has found a family at our local gym.  Seth is the definition of dedication.

I have seen kids go off to college and put on the proverbial "Freshman 15" and start some bad habits given that they are experiencing their freedom for the 1st time. 

My son went away to school and lost 50 pounds and went to the gym two to three hours every day.  My son inspires me.  I am not sure I could have done that. 

He had his sights set on his first powerlifting competition.  He wanted to compete in a weight class way below his normal weight, a weight he may not have seen since the 6th grade.

The day came for his competition and it was nothing short of amazing.  The energy was incredible.  The support that my son received from the other lifters brought tears to my eyes.  Although my son didn’t medal, he did set a new personal record for himself.  I remember his coach coming up to me and telling me that he was going to up the weight that he would be lifting.  I asked him if he thought Seth could do it.  He said "He can do anything that he sets his mind to right now."

What I realized when his coach said that to me, that he was right, Seth could do anything that he set his mind to, but he just didn’t show up that day and decide to deadlift 500 pounds.  It was the months of work that he put in to get to that moment. 

I truly believe that champions just don’t show up they are made up of all of the hard work and determination that they put in in the off season.   What are you doing in your off season to show up big? 

Take a listen to this week’s podcast episode to learn about more of my thoughts on this topic. 

Applified Marketing Group

Our Motivation

In 2013 we established our company, UrPhoneGuy LLC (UPG), during a recession in a booming Mobile Economy with the realization that there was a need. A need to pull small businesses together and reconnect more with not only one another but with the clients we serve, we believe Mobile Business Applications will take us there. Our teams goal is to show you just how we can make this happen, while building relationships to last a lifetime. In 2016 we rebranded to the Applified Marketing Group to better leverage our core values and capabilities. We are the Applified Marketing Group.

“Don’t Put Off For Tomorrow What You Can Do Today!



Applified Marketing Group LLC (AMG), previously known as the UPG Mobile Marketing Group, is a Mobile Marketing Solutions Company located in San Diego, California & Phoenix, Arizona. We specialize in affordable mobile solutions that will get you noticed and help you retain customers.

Our mobile solutions include Progressive Web Apps (PWA's), Native Mobile Applications for Apple and Android Devices, SEO infused Mobile Responsive Websites, Business Marketing Strategies, Graphic Design and much more. Before the iPhone and smartphone boom we were the guys who helped guide you into this exciting fast moving world of mobile. Let us help your business reach its full mobile potential.

Michael's 5th birthday without him


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