A Letter to Michael on 3 Year Anniversary...

Dear Michael,

            3 years ago, today our world changed forever.  The unthinkable happened……. you left us for the ultimate karaoke bar in the sky. 

I really never thought that it was a possibility.  We had our love story planned.  You were going to live to be 96 and I was going to live to be 90 and we would die together in a fiery crash in our red Maserati going 120 MPH on the Audubon holding hands. 

You always appeared to have 9 lives.  Whatever ailment was thrown at you, you defeated with grace and courage, except the last battle.  It came on strong and with a vengeance but you never gave up, you fought until the very end and this time you were defeated and we lost you. 

Some days it feels like yesterday that you left us and other days it feels like every minute of 3 years. 

I feel that we have done a pretty good job;

            The house is still standing

            The car is still running

            And I have managed to keep our child alive.

It is hard to believe that our son is going to be a senior in high school next year.  To think that you left us at the start of his high school career and I questioned myself if I had what it took to get him through it and now that he is almost finished, is amazing to me. 

Our son has grown into an incredible young man with your work ethic and sense of humor.

You did a wonderful job paving the way for our success, thank you!!   

We love you and miss you every day!!!!  Please continue to keep us safe, from above!!! 

Your last love,



The Reason for a Random Act of Kindness


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