Don't Stop Believing

Every day I pass a church on my way to work.  They always have a message on their lighted sign. I see the sign but I very rarely read it. 

Today I did read and it hit my right in the heart.  It read "Faith is a journey, Don't stop believing!"

I have struggled with my faith, especially after Michael died.  These last 2 years I have really worked on my faith and have taken the time to really study the bible.

My biggest challenge is having faith and believing that things will work out, even when I can not see that things will work out and that God's plan is better than my plan.

When Michael was alive we came up with a family theme song.  Can you guess what it is?   Well if you guessed "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey you would be correct.  That song always seemed to find its way to us when we needed a reminder to not stop believing.

I am a big one for signs from God.  I always tell God that he needs to spell things out for me. I need him to be blatant.

Back in December  2013, we were going through a pretty rough spot.  We were struggling with the salon, with Michael's health and we were also trying to get Hello Gorgeous! Off of the ground. We were feeling pretty hopeless.   We were driving home and decided to take a route that we hadn't taken in a while.  While in the car, I shared my frustrations with Michael.  I  said I wish I knew what to do.  Just as those words were coming out of my mouth, we were passing a church.  Spelled out on the roof of the church was the word  "BELIEVE"   I looked at Michael with tears in my eyes.  He looked back at me and said "there's your sign!! You are just supposed to  believe."   I was pretty emotional by this time.  We stopped the car to take a picture of the roof as a constant reminder of God's faithfulness.

I later found out that Sam, the pastor of that church, didn’t want to put that on the roof of the church, but he too was faithful to God and did it even when he didn’t want to, and I am so glad that he did!! I needed that sign!!!!

John 14:1 Says

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me."

I realized that it was just my job to believe.  I didn't have to have all of the answers.  I just need to believe that no matter what the outcome it will be ok.

I heard a saying once that said "in the end, it will be ok and if it's not ok then it's not the end"

Whatever you do, DON'T STOP BELIEVING!!

Applified Marketing Group

Our Motivation

In 2013 we established our company, UrPhoneGuy LLC (UPG), during a recession in a booming Mobile Economy with the realization that there was a need. A need to pull small businesses together and reconnect more with not only one another but with the clients we serve, we believe Mobile Business Applications will take us there. Our teams goal is to show you just how we can make this happen, while building relationships to last a lifetime. In 2016 we rebranded to the Applified Marketing Group to better leverage our core values and capabilities. We are the Applified Marketing Group.

“Don’t Put Off For Tomorrow What You Can Do Today!



Applified Marketing Group LLC (AMG), previously known as the UPG Mobile Marketing Group, is a Mobile Marketing Solutions Company located in San Diego, California & Phoenix, Arizona. We specialize in affordable mobile solutions that will get you noticed and help you retain customers.

Our mobile solutions include Progressive Web Apps (PWA's), Native Mobile Applications for Apple and Android Devices, SEO infused Mobile Responsive Websites, Business Marketing Strategies, Graphic Design and much more. Before the iPhone and smartphone boom we were the guys who helped guide you into this exciting fast moving world of mobile. Let us help your business reach its full mobile potential.

Kindness Lasts Longer Than You Think


Let It Be Good